Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 6: Vienna - unnamed cathedral

Three things I love about this spot in Vienna.  First, the cathedral is gorgeous.  Second, as is the case in many of the places they were doing repairs, there was a scrim hanging on the front of the building.   Usually, the scrim would be a picture or representation of the untouched facade.  In this case, it included a cellphone ad.  Nice!  Despite what we sometimes think, this reminded me that we in the U.S. do NOT have a corner on commercialism.  Thirdly, there were lawn chairs scattered throughout the park in front of the cathedral.  You could just grab one and take in some rays.  Fantastic!

1 comment:

Rick said...

This is the Votiv Kirche, which is on the Ring Strasse just past the Rathaus (city hall) and the University. It's in a new-Gothic style, which makes some people uncomfortable because it was built long after the Gothic era was past. But I'm like you; I like it!